This morning I woke up earlier than normal and packed a breakfast and lunch for my sweetie, so he would be able to eat while he was working and wouldn't wait till he got home or have to go out to lunch or something like that.
I drank my Long Life Cocktail
Then I went for a 20 minute walk and then went and got adjusted by my chiropractor (another part of me trying to get healthier and have less pain).
When I came home I drank the hot water with lemon juice, and had a strawberry smoothie for breakfast. (this includes the cran water so you don't drink it separately)
For my midmorning snack I had a hard boiled egg that I mashed up and mixed in some Apple Cider Vinegar. It was delicious.
20 minutes before lunch I had 8 oz of Cran water
For lunch I made something from the Fat Flush Cook Book. It is called a Stuffed Tomato with Tuna Salad*
For my mid afternoon snack I drank 16 oz of Cran water
Around 4:00 pm I ate two mandarin oranges
For dinner I made the lemon and cilantro chicken that I made yesterday for my lunch, and I ate some of a yellow bell pepper also, and 8 oz of Cran water.
Then before bed I drank another Long Life Cocktail
* Stuffed Tomato with Tuna Salad
1 6 oz canned tuna in water, drained and rinsed
1 Tbsp flaxseed oil
1/4 Cup celery finely chopped (I didn't have celery so I used some of a yellow bell pepper instead)
2 Tbsp onion finely minced (since this is not a whole onion, you can chop the whole onion and then freeze what is left to use later.
1/2 tsp Turmeric (supports liver function and acts as an anti-inflammatory... YAY for me, I think this is going to be what I take to work from now on until I find something I like as well as this it was delicious)
1 medium tomato
Mix all of the ingredients (minus the tomato) and then chop off the top of the tomato about 1/4 of the way down and then scoop out the inside of the tomato and the top and stuff it with the tuna mixture. (I had left over tuna salad, so I just put it in a bowl and ate it by itself, it was delicious!)
I was reading in the Fat Flush Plan book today that before starting I should have taken a week to get my body used to doing this diet, but I just jumped in feet first and cold turkey just stopped eating everything I am not supposed to be eating. My body didn't appreciate the drastic change, albeit good, and I have been in a lot of abdominal pain this week, so just a note to any contemplating this diet, buy the book and read it all the way through before starting. I am definitely feeling the difference but it could have been better if I had prepared more ahead of time.
*******************P.S. I figured out how to make "hot chocolate" that I can drink without cheating. You should have too much of it, because cocoa isn't bad but shouldn't be eaten very often for the diet.
1 Tbsp Cocoa poder
1 Tbsp Whey protein powder
and a pinch of stevia
mix the powders all together in the bottom of the mug before pouring the hot water or they won't blend. :)
Sounds like you're doing great. I really admire your perseverance. You go girl!